MapInstall 4.2.0 is broken. You will get it by updating to Basecamp 4.7.0 - however also individual update can happen. MapInstall 4.3.2 (part of Basecamp 4.8.4) is fixed - but so far only available to Apple Mac OS x users - not for Windows. Note however - Basecamp 4.8.4 only runs stable in english - translated version are very buggy!

BaseCamp is software from Garmin for viewing maps, waypoints, routes and tracks, and transferring them to or from a Garmin GPS device. It is available to download free of charge for Windows or Mac OS X. In many ways it replaces MapSource (Windows) and Roadtrip (Mac OS), though it currently lacks a few features that are present in MapSource. Also it works somewhat differently, eg all waypoints.

Garmin released a new version of Basecamp - 4.7.0 - in order to remove many features that were not in accordance with the GDPR regulation. Actually it's not that 4.6.2 is wrong here - it's that there were a few web services - that Garmin switched off - and those were interlinked into 4.6.2 - so that actually in 4.6.2 some functionality is not working anymore - I could on a quick check however not discover any actual difference otherwise in relation to the GDPR regulations - so 4.6.2 is no different in this regard to 4.7.0 - well and new privacy page/EULA of course).

The big problem is that Basecamp 4.7.0 also ships an updated version of Garmin MapInstall - and that version is broken in so far that it does not reliably/correctly send any maps in .img format anymore! This also applies to original older garmin maps.

On Windows instead of the actual map - only the overview map is sent - so you will have a nearly 'empty' map.

On Mac OS x the problem with MapInstall 4.2.0 is that it will often crash while sending maps. This got fixed with MapInstall 4.3.2. Do not update to Basecamp 4.8.x if using Basecamp in any language but english however - as the translated versions have countless serious bugs.

Switch to the relevant tab for information on how to downgrade to Basecamp 4.6.2/4.6.3 on Windows respectively Mac OS x

If you are a Windows user and upgraded to 4.7.0 you have 4 choices:

  • a) Use the gmapsupp.img Downloads instead (not available for Europe or Asia continent map however, but for all other maps):
  • b) Only downgrade MapInstall to 4.0.4: In order to Downgrade first uninstall MapInstall via Windows system uninstall, then simply go to C:Program Files (x86)GarminMapInstall folder - then delete all the content of the folder but not of subfolders. Especially leave the 'Maps' subfolder. Then Install MapInstall 4.0.4 - Download from here:
  • c) Downgrade to Basecamp v 4.6.2: it can be found here:
  • ATTENTION - you need to first uninstall Garmin Basecamp, Garmin MapInstall, Garmin Express, and any other Garmin Software via Windows 'Add or Remove Software' except Garmin Mapsource (if you have Mapsource installed, do not delete it because you might lose data saved in Mapsource). As the user data of Garmin Basecamp, Garmin Express or Garmin Homeport is saved in a separate database - you will not lose it.Then Install Basecamp 4.6.2.
  • If you simply install 4.6.2 without uninstalling Garmin Basecamp and Garmin Express, Mapinstall will not be downgraded. Alternatively if you are afraid about losing data - you could first delete the content from C:Program Files (x86)GarminMapInstall folder (but not of subfolders) - then ONLY uninstall Garmin Basecamp via Windows system 'Add or remove programs' - then Install Basecamp 4.6.2.
  • d) Use the plain old Garmin Mapsource for sending maps. Yes it still works if you know what to do - just note that it does not check any maps installed - so do not send maps twice. Also it cannot like MapInstall overcome the 4GB limit by splitting up maps that you are sending. Else of course it cannot correctly show the contourlines - but sending maps will work. Mapsource 6.16.3 can be downloaded here:
  • e) download the Mac OS x version of all openmtbmaps/velomaps in .gmap format. You can install them by placing them into the C:ProgramDataGARMINmapsmtbCOUNTRY.gmap respectively C:ProgramDataGARMINmapsveloCOUNTRY.gmap and better read the OS x tutorial too: respectively for Velomap users here:
  • f) Use the create_gmapsupp_img_with_mkgmap.bat Script - this will only work for Maps <4GB however. And you can only install full maps. It is found in the map Installation folder. It requires Java JDK installation and java added to Windows path.
  • Alternatively you can use the create_gmapsupp_img.bat Script - however mind that address search is not possible then.

Actually right now only a part of the overview map is sent - it would be nice if Garmin could send the overview maps in general too - as right now they are only used on Desktop. Would actually speed up the GPS devices a bit - especially if you have no activated Basemap on your device.

Restore Tracks/Routes that you created in Basecamp 4.7.0

If you chose to downgrade Basecamp and already created tracks/routes with 4.7.0 you will need to restore them. While updating/downgrading does not delete any of your data - routes/tracks that you planned with Basecamp 4.7.0 will not appear in Basecamp 4.6.2 after downgrade - only routes/tracks that you had planned before the 4.7.0 update will show up.

To solve that go to:


(note AppData is a hidden folder - you may have to enable windows file explorer to show hidden files and folders)

Now you rename folder 4.6 to 4.6.backup and 4.7 to 4.7.backup

Copy folder 4.7.backup and Rename it to 4.6

In Case of Problems with Reinstalling Basecamp - downgrading MapInstall:

Deinstall All Garmin tools/programs via Windows 'Change or Remove a Program'. Then delete the Garmin Folder in 'C:Program Files (x86)'. Then Reinstall all Garmin tools/Programs and make sure to use old enough versions (as linked here).

IMHO you do not need to clean the registry of any Garmin entry, nor do you need to remove any Garmin folders that are somewhere else then Program Files folders (so far all Garmin tools are x86 and not 64 bit - it's possible this will change in future - so then also delete Garmin folder inside 'C:Program Files'.

You can still downgrade to 4.6.3 for the missing functionality. However MapInstall 4.3.2 or later is fixed (at least with the download directly from Garmin or from here - the Mac Appstore version sometimes does not update MapInstall) - so just make sure not to use Basecamp 4.7. and if you upgrade to Basecamp 4.8.4 or later.

You can Either Downgrade/Upgrade MapInstall only, Or Downgrade Mapinstall and Basecamp

While windows users have good alternatives to Garmin MapInstall - on OS x the only real alternative is to use mkgmap.jar to create gmapsupp.img files. That is not so easy to do and requires Java JDK properly configured. However MapInstall 4.3.2 is fixed - so either downgrade to Basecamp 4.6.3 or upgrade to Basecamp 4.8.4 or later.

  • a) Use the gmapsupp.img Downloads instead (not available for Europe or Asia continent map however, but for all other maps):
  • b) Upgrade to Basecamp 4.8.4 or later:
  • Attention - best get it directly from Garmin or from here - and not via Appstore. I have heard from people that the version from the Appstore only updated Basecamp but the got stuck with MapInstall 4.2.0 instead of 4.3.2
  • c) Downgrade to Basecamp 4.6.3 - To do so first Uninstall Garmin Basecamp 4.7.0 Then make sure that also Garmin MapInstall installation folder is removed/empty - If not uninstall all other Garmin software too. Then install Basecamp 4.6.3.
  • d) You could try to simply Install Garmin MapInstall 4.1.1. - I'm not sure if this works by just executing the installer. I think not. That means you first have to uninstall Mapinstall 4.2.0 - then Install only MapInstall 4.1.1 / MapManager 4.1.1. That way you could keep Basecamp 4.7.0 but I don't know why you would like to do so as Basecamp 4.7.0 is only a regression.

Basecamp for OS x can be downloaded here: (here you find all Garmin Tools for Mac OS x for download - if you miss something else)

MapInstall and MapManager for Mac can be downloaded here:


  • 1 Convert the maps:

Donate to Openmtbmap - and download readily converted maps

If you don't want to convert the maps, I converted the most popular openmtbmaps / velomaps ready to be used with Basecamp or Roadtrip in gmap format for Mac OSx. Simply look at the bottom of the download page for them (only available to donators)

Don't convert but use Qlandkarte GT

just accept that Garmin programs for Mac OSx are lousy - (well the whole OS is as lousy as Windows, but with fewer people using it, I wont give a damn for it - best treat your Mac hardware with a good OS like Ubuntu Linux instead of junk with nice eye candy).

However Qlandkarte GT is working splendidly with the openmtbmaps, and is easy to learn. Only drawback is, that there is no autorouting support for garmin maps (yet). You only need to extract the maps to a folder of your choice then use Qlandkarte GT.

Download Garmin Basecamp Mac Os X 10.8

Don't convert but use gmapsupp.img import by Basecamp

The irony of Basecamp for MacOSx not reading in the standard .img format, is topped up, by the fact that it reads the nearly identically structured gmapsupp.img files.

So use Windows Basecamp/Mapsource or gmaptool or mkgmap or sendmap to create a gmapsupp.img - put it on a external harddisk or flash memory (you could also put it onto your GPS, but than it's slower) and import it into Basecamp. This way you also don't have to actually convert the maps.

Convert the maps:

See several possibilities on how to do it below:

Convert the maps with gmapibuilder

To unzip you can use:

Convert the maps yourself under Windows with tools provided by Garmin:

Unfortunately you need an Windows installation for converting the maps. Principally you have to:

1. Install the maps with install.bat under Windows (You have to have Mapsource installed)

2. Downlaod, install and run Garmin Map Converter for Windows

3. Downlaod and install the Mapstall/MapManager package to your Mac to complete the migration Garmin provides detailed instructions how to do this See also

Alternatively you can use Sendmap to transfer the maps to your GPS (see Tutorial (still to be written))

You could also install Qlandkarte GT - you will have to compile it first though. Builds are only available for Windows (plus easy installation on Ubuntu - but probably added into repos soon anyhow).

BTW: As all my maps are published under CCBYSA 2.0 / The new Openstreetmap Licence - you may share your mac map files freely - as long as you contribute and and stick to the same license. Unfortunately you need an windows installation for converting the maps to 'Mapsource for Mac' aka Roadtrip.

Principally you have to:

1. Install the maps with install.bat under Windows (You have to have Mapsource installed)

2. Downlaod, install and run Garmin Map Converter for Windows

3. Downlaod and install the Mapstall/MapManager package to your Mac to complete the migration Garmin provides detailed instructions how to do this See also

Alternatively you can use Sendmap to transfer the maps to your GPS (see Tutorial (still to be written))

You could also install Qlandkarte GT - you will have to compile it first though. Builds are only available for Windows (plus easy installation on Ubuntu - but probabley added into repos soon anyhow).

BTW: As all my maps are published under CCBYSA 2.0 / The new Openstreetmap Licence - you may share your mac map files freely - as long as you contribute and and stick to the same license.

Convert and Install the maps yourself using Mac OSX only (description provided by Tom):

Required software:

Garmin Basecamp, as well as MapInstall and MapManager
.exe unarchiver, such as Keka (7zip GUI for MacOS) or Archiver (not free)


1. Download the velomap or openmtb map of your choice.
2. Extract the .exe file using Keka or Archiver. You will end up with a couple of subdirectories. The one you are interested in contains the .tdb and .bat files etc. If you're installing velomap Europe, extract the map tiles to the same directory as the .tdb file.
3. Open Gmapi builder application. In the main window, click the ellipsis (…) button next to the 'TDB File' field. Navigate to the folder where you extracted your map, and select the 'mapset.tdb' file, and click OK.
4. You will notice that all of the other fields in Gmapi Builder auto-populate, EXCEPT the 'TYP file' field. Click the ellipsis button next to that field, and select the .typ file you are using (trdxyz.typ, veloxyp.typ, etc.).
5. Click the 'Convert' button, and wait until the conversion finishes. By default, the .gmapi file will be created in the directory where the .tdb file is, but you can set it to go wherever you like using the 'Output directory' field.
6. You now have a gmapi file that Basecamp can read. Open Garmin MapManager and select File --> Install Map (⌘–I), navigate to the newly created .gmapi file and click 'Open' to start the installation.
7. Your map will be installed for Basecamp. You can copy it to your GPS unit or SD card using MapInstall. Be aware that MapInstall WILL OVERWRITE the gmapsupp.img file on your GPS unit, so rename it first if you want to keep it.
If you're installing the velomap for all of Europe, make sure you extract the contents of the veloeurope.exe file (i.e. mapset.tdb, etc.) and the contents of veloeurope.7z TO THE SAME DIRECTORY. You want all the image files (xyz.img) and the other files in the same folder.
If you don't want to use MapManager for step 7, you can try to skip it and open the map directly from Basecamp. That seems to be unreliable in the current version—sometimes the map gets installed, sometimes nothing happens. In any case, the gmapi files are installed into the directory ~/Library/Application Support/Garmin/Maps/.

Download Garmin Basecamp Windows 10

Convert the maps using JaVaWa Map Converter (Mac OSX or Windows at your choice)

Garmin Basecamp 4.5.2 Download

Download Garmin Basecamp Mac Os X

Download Garmin Basecamp Mac Os X 10.7

See here (for extracting see explanation above):